Sunday, January 3, 2010

Autoimmune Disease More Condition_symptoms Are Stress Hormones More Easily Triggered When You Have An Autoimmune Disease & Do They Stay Longer?

Are stress hormones more easily triggered when you have an autoimmune disease & do they stay longer? - autoimmune disease more condition_symptoms

I have diabetes (and also depression and mild liver dysfunction) suffer
I think I am easily stressed. I find it hard to relax themselves. It's as if stress is quite simple, even if I do things that I enjoy. In addition, it can get pretty tense when you do the following things when I'm in a state of tension "that seems almost like a thing. There are a lot of information about autoimmune diseases and stress, especially in the way of stress, The inflammation causes. What I know is:
- What are the causes and effects of stress with diabetes (with the exception of the highest blood sugar levels)
- The production of stress hormones that are longer in the body if you suffer from autoimmune diseases and
- Can I have something) to stress (causes and effects) other than the obvious (sleep, rest, exercise, healthy diet?


oho b said...

I do not want to speculate, but in May U have diabetes because of stress. No, they are more easily triggered if u have diabetes and do not run. Occurs when the brain decides that it needs to be taken up by the cells and if your brain decides that it needs more than free. Its all his brain. Forget to enjoy a massage, relaxation, meditation, and above all. Empty your mind, no more stiff. If the U of stress on the brain, in exchange for more weight on his body.

THE BOBBY said...

the stress hormones cortisol homon causes of flight or attack, regardless of the cause of cancer. Stay out of the rat race and everything that causes stress

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